Work Disability Attorneys in Tampa

If you’re unable to work because of a disability, there may be financial help available to you. In order to get the monetary payments that you deserve, you have to prove that you qualify to participate in a disability program. The Tampa disability lawyers at Jack Bernstein, Injury Attorneys, can help.

Our experienced attorneys in Tampa represent individuals in claiming compensation through a variety of disability programs. Call (813) 333-6666 today for a free case evaluation.

Tampa Disability Attorneys Free Consultation

When you have a disability, you shouldn’t have to jump through hoops to get financial relief. Let our team of Tampa disability attorneys help you with the hurdles involved in exercising your rights and claiming compensation. With 37 years of legal practice, and a dedicated history of assisting working individuals like you, Jack Bernstein and his legal team have the experience and drive to get results. Contact us today for your free consultation.

What Does a Disability Attorney Do?

Our disability attorneys represent people with a wide range of disability needs. We can help you with any of the following services:


  • Evaluating your case to see what kinds of benefits for which you qualify
  • Explaining the claims process and what’s involved in claiming compensation
  • Representing you in your application for benefits
  • Working on your behalf to gather the evidence that can help make your application successful the first time
  • Preparing a legal strategy to help you claim the most compensation possible
  • Evaluating a negative determination of your eligibility; filing your appeal
  • Representing you at hearings and trials, as needed
  • Speaking to the insurance company on your behalf
  • Determining if you’re receiving the right amount in your payments based on the law
  • Communication throughout your case; preparing a legal strategy based on our experience that’s calculated to make your case as strong as possible


The team at Jack Bernstein, Injury Attorneys, is a large group of disability attorneys and other legal professionals in Tampa, FL. We’re serious about helping good people navigate disability systems. We know these programs can be complicated and confusing, but we’re here to put our experience to work for you.

What Kinds of Claims Does a Disability Attorney Handle?

Our disability attorneys can handle all of the following types of claims:


  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI) – Supplemental Security Income is a program available for people who are unable to work because of a disability. The program provides income for basic living expenses. You may qualify for the program regardless of your work history.
  • Long Term Disability Lawyers/Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) – If you have a work history and become disabled, you may qualify to receive SSDI payments. Completing a successful application for SSDI payments can often involve technical, medical information about your condition and how it impacts your ability to work. Our team of attorneys knows what the claims examiners look for, and we can help you prepare your case for success.
  • Workers’ Compensation – If you become disabled because of an accident at work or an occupational exposure, workers’ compensation may provide disability payments. Medical treatment may be available through workers’ compensation, too.
  • Veterans’ Disability Lawyers and Veteran’s Benefits – Veterans’ benefits are based on a service-related injury or disease. You receive a disability rating that determines the amount of your payments. Our attorneys can help you challenge your disability rating. Qualifying for veteran’s benefits may also go along with qualifying for SSI or SSDI payments. When you work with our team, we make sure to identify all the resources that may be available to you.
  • Private Insurance Policies – A private insurance policy may provide coverage for disability. However, the insurance company may resist fairly paying your claim. We’re skilled in interpreting insurance contracts. Let us handle the negotiations, including taking legal action, if necessary.
  • Personal Injury Lawsuit – You may become disabled because of a personal injury accident. If that’s the case, you may have a right to file for financial compensation from one or more parties responsible for the accident. Knowing who is legally liable and going through the claims process can be challenging. When you work with our disability attorneys in Tampa, we fight on your behalf.
  • Disability Discrimination Lawyers and Reasonable Accommodation – Disability law doesn’t always involve claiming financial benefits. Sometimes, having a disability means getting a reasonable accommodation to allow you to continue to work. An employer must allow reasonable accommodation as long as the worker can still perform their job’s essential functions.


At Jack Bernstein, Injury Attorneys, our legal services are complete and comprehensive. Let us handle all the aspects of your claim, including identifying, building, pursuing and making a strategy for the claim. Anyone facing a disability should have access to the legal help that they need. We’re proud to help people in Tampa and the surrounding areas every day.

Florida Disability Law FAQs

How long does SSDI last?

SSDI lasts until you no longer have a qualifying disability. When you qualify, claims administrators categorize your case based on your expected medical improvement. If they believe you’re likely to improve, they may schedule the case for review in as little as six months. In cases where medical improvement is not expected, reviews may happen only every seven years. As long as you continue to have a disability, your payments continue until you qualify for Social Security retirement benefits.

When do you qualify for SSDI?

You qualify for SSDI if you have a physical or mental impairment that is severe. It must prevent you from working for 12 months or more or be expected to last at least 12 months. Evidence that you may use to qualify for SSDI may include doctor’s records, hospital records, blood work, x-rays, scans, test results and statements from your doctor. You must file an application to qualify for SSDI.


Can having an attorney improve my chances of getting disability benefits?

Having an attorney can improve your chances of getting disability benefits in several ways. An attorney can ensure that you identify all of the programs for which you may qualify. They can explain the process so that you can gather records quickly. Also, they determine what you need to present in your claim and help you avoid errors and gaps that can hurt your chances of getting disability.

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