Person holding pistol while at firearms counter

Your Guide to Florida Gun Laws

Florida gun laws cover a wide range of topics, including purchase, possession, and use of firearms. Owners and non-owners alike need to understand these laws. Our Tampa personal injury attorneys explain what you need to know about Florida gun laws. What are the gun laws in Florida? Florida’s gun laws are found in Florida Statutes Chapter 790¹. Specifically, Florida…

Can You Sue the United States Government for Personal Injury?

Can You Sue the United States Government for Personal Injury?

You may have heard that the government has immunity against lawsuits. However, federal laws allow victims of negligence to pursue financial recovery. When an accident involves a federal government employee, the victim may claim compensation.

There are different rules for bringing a case involving the federal government as compared to bringing a claim against anyone else. However, as an accident victim, you have rights. Our attorneys for government personal injury claims in Tampa want you to understand your rights.