Can Technology Help With a Car Accident Case?

A woman using touch screen technology in her car.

In the midst of the modern tech revolution, technology is more important to car accident cases than ever before. When a car accident occurs, there are many ways that technology can help you and your Tampa car accident lawyer with your case. It’s important to know how technology can help you so that you can use technology in the right ways in your injury accident case.

How Can Technology Help With a Car Accident Case?

Technology can help with a car accident case by helping you investigate the cause of the case. It can help you prove who is at fault for the accident. Technology can also help you learn the extent of your injuries and your likelihood of recovery. You can use technology to present your case to the jury in compelling ways so that you receive fair compensation for your car accident case.

Here are seven ways that technology can help you with a car accident case:

1. The Event Data Recorder Can Prove Facts About the Case

Most modern vehicles have a black box or event data recorder. In fact, as many as three-quarters of all vehicles on the road have an event data recorder. If you’re in a car accident, there’s a good chance that one or both vehicles will have an event data recorder.

An event data recorder collects a wealth of information in real time about a vehicle’s activities. It can show the speed of the vehicles, changes in velocity, and even brake use. If you’re in an accident, looking at the information in the event data recorder can prove how the accident occurred. If you’re in a car accident, you should be aware that many modern vehicles have these recorders that can help you prove the events of the case.

2. Technology Can Prove Negligent Behavior Like Texting

To win a car accident claim, you must prove that the other party’s behavior caused the accident. One way that technology can help your case is by helping you show that the other party was engaging in negligent behavior. Examples of negligent behavior are texting and driving or even talking on the phone at the time of the accident. You may ask for records from the other driver’s cell phone or even ask to inspect the cell phone for activity at the time of the crash. You may use the other driver’s cell phone activities to prove what they were doing at the time of the accident.

3. Your Phone Apps May Prove Your Case

You may have valuable information on your phone that can help you win your car accident case. If you have a tracking app on your phone, the app might show your location and speed at the time of the accident. You may rely on this information to show that you were driving carefully and prudently at the time of the crash.

Phone tracking apps have varying levels of accuracy. But even if your app isn’t able to pinpoint your exact speed at the time of the crash, it may show careful driving behaviors throughout the day and a pattern of safe driving behavior. In addition, some vehicle tracking apps show phone activity while driving, including phone calls and app access while the vehicle is in motion.

4. Failed Driver Technologies Can Be the Basis of Your Claim

There are many technologies in a vehicle today. In fact, car manufacturers market their vehicles by advertising new driver technologies. A car today may come with lane control sensors, parking assists, stop-and-go speed monitors, and more.

However, these technologies can fail. When they fail, you may have a products liability claim against the car manufacturer. Companies that make vehicles have a high duty to thoroughly test technologies before placing them on the road. They must even provide adequate and conspicuous instructions about how a driver can use the technology safely. Too often, car manufacturers are in a hurry to get new technologies on the road. They might cut corners or fail to test the features sufficiently before releasing them to the public.

If your accident is the result of failed technology, proof that the technology broke may be the basis of your accident claim. You may bring your claim against the vehicle manufacturer. You may base your claim on defective design, a manufacturing error, or failure to provide adequate instructions for use.

5. Video Recordings and Photographs Can Prove Your Case

You might be surprised to learn that your accident is captured on video. A government entity or even a business may have inadvertently recorded the crash on a security camera. If you think this may be a possibility, your car accident attorney can help you investigate and get a copy of the video.

In addition, if there are photos of the accident scene, they are also a technology that can help you prove your case. If you’re able to take pictures at the accident scene, the photos can show the damage and the location of vehicles. Law enforcement and even the other party may have taken photos that can ultimately help you prove your case.

6. Medical Technology Can Prove Your Damages

An important part of any accident case is proving the extent of your physical injuries. You need to know what your injuries are and how long it’s going to take you to recover. Medical technology is a critical part of determining your accident injuries. Diagnostic tests, exams, and medical equipment all play an important role in helping you determine the true extent of your injuries and what compensation you deserve for your damages.

7. Technology Can Help You Demonstrate the Facts to the Jury

If your case goes to trial, how you present the trial can significantly impact the outcome of the case. You need to tell your story in a way that the jury can understand. Visual recreations, images, and other trial technology can ensure that you tell your story to the jury in a compelling way.

Contact Our Car Accident Attorneys

Do you want to use technology to your advantage in your car accident case? We can help. The legal team at Jack Bernstein, Injury Attorneys can help clients use technology in the best ways possible to reach a fair result in their case. You don’t have to fight alone. Call us today for a free consultation about your claim.