Premise Liability Law in Slip and Fall Cases

Premise Liability Law in Slip and Fall Cases

Whether you’re involved in a premise liability case or a slip and fall case, these types of lawsuits can be strenuous and stressful for the parties involved. While these cases may be similar, they have different elements that are important to be aware of if you’re looking to file or have been summoned as a defendant. Having an attorney who is well-versed in premise liability law and slip and fall cases is imperative to achieve a successful outcome.

What Florida Property Owners Should Know About Slip and Fall Accidents

What Florida Property Owners Should Know About Slip and Fall Accidents

Every year, millions of older adults require medical care for injuries from falls. Although older adults are more vulnerable, slips and falls also affect children and younger adults. Retail workers risk suffering slip and fall injuries, and consumers can also be injured. Injuries from falls are the top reason people seek emergency room medical treatment, sending more than eight million people to ERs each year.

Understanding Motorcycle Accident Injury Claims

Understanding Motorcycle Accident Injury Claims

Motorcycle accident and fatality rates have been on the rise over the past couple of years. According to recent data, 2020 saw the highest rate of motorcycle fatalities in ten years with a recorded 5,579 deaths. 

Despite being far less crashworthy than traditional closed vehicles, the very nature of a motorcycle’s design, its reduced visibility to other drivers, and the overall safety risks a motorcyclist faces all result in high injury rates when a crash occurs.