What Is A Stage 4 Pressure Ulcer?

What Is a Stage 4 Pressure Ulcer?

When you sit or lay in the same position for an extended period, you risk developing a pressure ulcer. If you or your healthcare provider diagnoses the ulcers early enough, they will heal in most cases, without much pain or discomfort. However, without any medical treatment or intervention, you can go through different pressure ulcer stages as…

Florida Nursing Home Generator Laws

Florida Nursing Home Generator Laws

Florida residents scrambled to safety as Hurricane Irma made landfall in 2017. But some Florida nursing home residents had no way out. At one nursing home in Hollywood Hills, residents braced for the storm. As a power outage knocked out air conditioning to the facility, temperatures soared as high as 99 degrees inside—12 residents died from heat-related illnesses and complications.

Florida Elder Abuse – Facts + Statistics

Florida Elder Abuse – Facts + Statistics

Seniors are often one of the most overlooked groups in society. Seniors are vulnerable to abuse because of risk factors like social isolation and a lack of mobility.

Caregivers that make critical decisions or have access to a senior’s finances can take advantage of their position of power in a way that results in elder abuse and fraud. It’s essential to understand the prevalence behind elder abuse. This allows both seniors and their loved ones the ability to work with a Tampa elder abuse attorney and stop the harm early.

Dealing With A Nursing Home Fall

Dealing With a Nursing Home Fall

When a loved one falls in a nursing home, it can be hard to know what to do. You want to keep your loved one safe and also make sure that others are safe. You want to prevent future falls but minimize the disruption to your family member.

However, you may not know what to do about it or if you need the help of a qualified nursing home injury attorney. Here’s some important information to help you when dealing with a Tampa nursing home fall.