Florida Theme Park Injuries

Looking Up At A Roller Coaster High Up In The Air On Its Track

There are more than 30 amusement parks in the State of Florida. Most trips to the amusement park result in only memories and sunburns. But in a few cases, a trip to the theme park results in a serious injury. What are your rights when you suffer a theme park injury? Here’s what you need to know about theme park injuries from our experienced Tampa personal injury lawyers.

Theme Park Accident Lawsuits

When a theme park accident occurs, you may deserve financial compensation. Even accidents that don’t involve rides may qualify for payment. The amount of compensation that you stand to receive depends on the nature of your injuries, the costs associated with your recovery, and the amount of pain and suffering that you endure. To receive compensation, you must take action by bringing a formal lawsuit. You may choose to have a theme park accident attorney represent you in your case.

Types of Theme Park Accidents

Here are some types of theme park accidents that may qualify for compensation:

  • Uneven surfaces
  • Inadequate railings or safety guards
  • Accidents getting on and off rides
  • Slips from spilled food and drink
  • Jostling from uncontrolled crowds
  • Rides that aren’t adequately maintained
  • Malfunctioning rides
  • Failing to fix broken parts or seats on rides
  • Not securing the passenger in a ride safely
  • Missing signs of passenger distress
  • Food poisoning
  • Inadequate security
  • Negligent hiring of employees
  • Assault and battery

Any type of amusement park injury may be grounds for financial compensation.

Amusement Park Accident Settlements

Amusement park accident settlements compensate injured victims for their injuries and for their suffering. A settlement is a payment made by the theme park to an injured victim to resolve a claim of legal liability. When an accident occurs at an amusement park, the park owners may owe the victim compensation. You may negotiate your payment directly with the park, or you may bring a formal lawsuit and then work towards a resolution by reaching an amusement park accident settlement.

A Roller Coaster Full Of Riders At A Florida Theme Park

Theme Parks in Florida

Some of the theme parks where injury can occur in Florida include:

Legal Grounds for Amusement Park Accident Claim

An amusement park accident is a complex case. There may be several different legal grounds that apply to the claim. In your case, you might make your claim based on multiple legal grounds.

For example, you can bring a theme park accident claim based on ordinary negligence. Negligence is the idea that the theme park operators didn’t use sufficient care in their operations. The entire park experience from start to finish should be conducted with care on the part of the owners. They must exercise an amount of care that’s reasonable based on the entire circumstances. When they don’t use a reasonable amount of care, and you get hurt as a result, negligence may be the basis for your claim.

Products liability may be another legal grounds for your claim. Under products liability laws, the theme park has a legal obligation to make and distribute only products that are safe. Owners have a legal obligation to ensure that their product, in this case, the amusement park, is safe at all times. When an accident occurs, you may not have to prove that the theme park knew about the danger or that they failed to remedy it within a reasonable period of time. A claim for products liability may be against the theme park owner, but it may also be against the manufacturer of a ride, a private company that provides food services, or any other entity that does business in the park.

In addition to their obligation to deliver a safe product, amusement parks also have the legal liability to keep their property safe. Premises liability is the legal liability that attaches when a property owner fails to keep their property safe. As a property owner that’s in business to make a profit, the standard for premises liability for the amusement park is very high. Park representatives must take adequate steps to identify dangers and remedy them before an accident occurs.

Duty of Care Amusement Parks

The duty of care placed on amusement parks is very high. Depending on the way the accident occurred, the duty of care may be negligence or even strict liability. Determining what duty of care applies is critical to knowing the value of your case and what you need to do to be successful. Your attorney for theme park injuries can help you understand the duty of care that applies in your amusement park case.

How Our Florida Theme Park Injury Attorneys Can Help

If you’re in an accident at an amusement park, our Florida theme park attorneys can pursue your case on your behalf. On top of managing the pain, suffering, and lifestyle changes that come with an injury, it can be challenging to know where to begin to bring a case on your own. But our attorneys for amusement park injuries in Florida have helped thousands of clients just like you.

From gathering the evidence to skillfully preparing legal documents to negotiating a fair resolution to the case, our attorneys offer comprehensive legal services for theme park injury victims. Let us help you ensure that you get full and fair payment for your theme park accident. The legal system is complex. Our team is here to handle the legal aspects of your claim so that you can focus on your recovery, knowing that your case is in good hands.

Contact Jack Bernstein, Injury Attorneys Today

When you need experienced, compassionate Tampa theme park attorneys to fight for you, the lawyers at Jack Bernstein, Injury Attorneys are here to represent you. With more than three decades of experience and thousands of satisfied clients, Jack Bernstein personally oversees each case. He offers full-service legal representation for injured victims, and he will work with you and for you until you have the compensation that you deserve.

There is a limited time to file your case. You must work as quickly as possible to preserve the evidence. Let our attorneys take all of the necessary steps on your behalf to reach a fair result in your case. Call us today to begin.