Personal Injury


When you have been injured in an accident due to another’s negligence, retaining a personal injury attorney is crucial to ensure fair compensation. However, in Tampa, Florida, you do have the option to fire your personal injury attorney if you believe they are not providing you with the proper rep...


In the pursuit of justice, victims often take legal action through personal injury claims when they’ve suffered harm at the hands of another person or entity. Taking legal action not only allows a victim to get justice but also allows them to recover compensation for the financial losses they...


One common question that people have after being involved in an accident where they are injured is, “Is it worth hiring a personal injury attorney?” While hiring a personal injury lawyer is completely optional, there are numerous benefits you gain when you have legal representation from a qualif...


Approximately 50 million people annually need treatment in a doctor’s office or emergency room for unintentional injuries. Some of these injured persons may have grounds to seek damages from the responsible party. Suppose you’re dealing with an unexpected injury. You may wonder what type...


Drunk driving accidents occur with alarming regularity in the state of Florida. Approximately 30% of all fatal car accidents in the state are caused by drunk drivers. A greater percentage of injury accidents involve alcohol as well. If you or a loved one has been injured or killed by a drunk driver,...

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