7 Common Injuries After a Slip & Fall in Clearwater, FL

Slip and fall accidents are so devastating because they produce unexpected injuries. These injuries are often life-changing. There are several types of common injuries after a slip and fall.
Of the one million people who fall each year, as many as 30 percent suffer significant injuries. Working with an experienced Clearwater slip and fall lawyer is the best way to get the compensation you need to recover from your injuries and get back to normal life. Here are seven common types of injuries after a slip and fall.
1. Bone Fractures
A bone fracture occurs when the pressure on a bone is more than it can stand. When you land in an unusual way after a slip and fall, the unexpected pressure on a bone can cause it to break. Wrists, arms, and hips are common places for broken bones after a slip and fall.
Treatment for a broken bone can take several weeks. If you have a broken wrist or arm, you may not be able to type, write or do your work and personal errands. With a broken hip or leg, you may be immobilized for several weeks. Once your cast is removed, you need to spend some time carefully rehabilitating muscles that you haven’t used in a long time.
2. Sprains and Strains
When you pull the tendons and ligaments in a joint, you have a sprain or strain. An ankle sprain occurs when you fall in a way that pulls at the ligaments in your ankle without breaking the bone. Even though a sprain might not show up in an x-ray, a sprain or strain is a very serious injury that can result from a slip and fall accident.
Because tendons and ligaments typically don’t receive the same blood supply that the muscles receive, it can take a long time for a sprain to heal. A sprain requires a great deal of rest, and it can interfere with your daily activities. When you suffer a sprain because of a slip and fall, it’s important to document your pain and your treatment to preserve a record of your injuries.
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3. Knee Injuries
The knee is a complicated combination of bones, ligaments, and cartilage. When you suffer a slip and fall, you may tear one of the major ligaments in the knee like your anterior cruciate ligament or your lateral cruciate ligament. Another common knee injury is a dislocated patella.
Any injury to the knee can be painful and slow to heal. You may need surgery to repair a torn ligament. A knee injury can occur when your knee twists or suffers an unexpected jolt in a slip and fall.
4. Spine and Nerve Damage
Your spine and nerves send signals to the brain and the body. Your spine and nerves tell the muscles to move. When your spinal cord is damaged or severed, you may suffer from numbness, tingling or paralysis.
Nerves join up with the spinal cord at each vertebra along the spine. That means that the severity of a spinal cord injury depends on the location of the injury and the severity of the laceration. A spinal cord injury after a slip and fall requires careful examination to determine your prognosis and future needs accurately.
5. Head Injuries
A head injury can be an injury to the skull, the brain itself, or both. A brain injury can be life-threatening, and it can cause long-term damage. It’s critical to treat a brain injury aggressively to prevent additional damage.
You may suffer a brain injury without being aware of it immediately after your fall. It’s important to seek the help of an expert who can perform testing to diagnose a head injury and provide an accurate prognosis.
6. Cuts and Abrasions
As you fall, you may suffer injuries to your skin. You might have deep or superficial cuts to your skin. Cuts and abrasions after a slip and fall require both immediate care and long-term treatment.
It’s essential to stop the bleeding and later clean it. You should have a medical professional evaluate any cuts and abrasions to determine if you need stitches. It’s critical to adequately cover and clean a cut so that it doesn’t become infected.
7. Bruises
A bruise can occur when a slip and fall results in a jolt to your muscles and other internal organs without tearing the skin. When bleeding happens internally, it may appear as bruising. Bruising after a slip and fall can be challenging because you may not know the exact location and severity of your injuries.
Why Do I Have to Be Injured to Recover Financially?
Florida law says that you must have a physical injury to receive financial compensation for a slip and fall. A slip and fall claim is a negligence claim. That means Florida law requires you to prove that the other side’s actions caused your injuries.
The purpose of Florida’s slip and fall laws is to try and compensate you as fairly as possible for the harm that results from your slip and fall. For that reason, the law requires you to show that you’re harmed because of your fall.
Don’t Forget No-Fault Laws Are Different
These are the injuries that may qualify you for financial recovery after a Florida slip and fall. Qualifying injuries for recovery after a slip and fall are different than qualifying injuries after a car accident.
Because Florida uses a no-fault system for car accident recovery, the injuries you must sustain to bring a claim for compensation after a car accident are generally more severe or more permanent than injuries that qualify you for recovery after a slip and fall.
Florida no-fault law also requires you to seek medical attention within 14 days of your accident. Your attorney can help you understand the standards that apply and whether your case qualifies for financial compensation.
How Our Legal Team Can Help
Jack Bernstein and his legal team have helped more than 50,000 deserving clients. With so much experience and a passion for helping victims, Jack Bernstein can help you determine how to best identify and document your medical bills for your recovery.
Our team has the skills and determination to give your case the attention that it needs to aggressively pursue the compensation that you deserve under Florida law.
If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident, call our office at (941) 822-2222 or fill out our contact form to schedule your free case evaluation. There is no fee unless we win.